Our Purpose
The Holy Spirit is the chief helper for the church to fulfill its God-given purpose by building up the body of Christ with direction and power. The church is not only a fellowship of believers as is so commonly stated, but also as Paul declares in I Corinthians 12:27a Ye are the body of Christ. The full implication of this statement would mean that the church must endeavor to be the true representative of Christ and seek to do what he would do in our community. Before the church can actually carry out the work of Christ it must have the mind and spirit of Christ. It is also the organism through which Christ works for the redemption of sinners and the care and nurture of believers. Therefore, the objectives and purpose of this organization shall be:
- To confront people with the claims of Christ.
- To win others to Christ through evangelism.
- To provide an enriching experience in worship.
- To provide an adequate system of Christian Education for all age groups.
- To prepare all converts for knowledge of, and service in, the church.
- To work redemptivly with those who have strayed and to strengthen those who are weak in the faith.
- To be alert and helpful to the physical needs of those in the fellowship.
- To provide effective pastoral care and counseling.
- To cooperate with the District and Brotherhood Boards in the promotion of Missions and service.
- To enlist church members into full and part-time service in the Kingdom.
- To develop a fellowship among the brethren for spiritual and social growth.
- To educate and challenge members to a Christian view of stewardship in regard to time, talents and treasure.
- To lend assistance to other organizations in promotion of temperance, peace, race, relations, relief, etc.
1. Is founded upon the faith that there is but one God who is a personal God who in holy love creates, sustains, and orders all.
2. Confesses Jesus Christ as the Lord of the Church and of all life.
3. Believes that the Holy Spirit is at work in the hearts and minds of believers, creating and sustaining the church through the gospel, giving guidance and comfort, and uniting believers.
4. Maintains the New Testament as it’s only creed and rule of faith.
5. Believes that the Gospel is the good news that God was in Christ.
6. Holds that the church is the body of Christ and is under the Lord’s mandate to be faithful in accepting and transmitting the gospel by word and deed.
7. Considers that all members of the congregation, of the body of believers are responsible for the total ministry of the church.